Category Archives: Tea Party

Volume Three, Chapter Nine: A Post-GOP America?

The United States face a guaranteed U.S. economic collapse. Sure, a reduction in government spending and citizens tightening their own damned belts could avoid it. But people aren’t going to volunteer to do it. So, bring on the wrecking ball. In the end, America could be a Democrat dystopia.

American progressives really don’t want to rule the world. As long as they can remain slum lords here in America, they’ll gladly cede the task of handling the lowly masses over to China (not the Arabs; those people are too, well…).  Their voters, used to and enjoying having their lives dictated by others as long as they can engage whatever impulse hits them, will go right along as well.

The current Republican Party is made up of older people getting what they can while they can, and getting gone. The Tea Party shills in 2014 were Christian Coalition groupies in 1994. They joyfully voted in the Establishment GOP they loathe and deny any connection to now. If they truly believed in “LESS GOVERNMENT!”, they would have tried to remove federal involvement in marriage, thus avoiding the battle that hurt them the most.

Neither conservative faction has a younger voting base. They seem to be reverting to middle-aged teenagers as well, with epic rants and no youth outreach. But unlike progressives, they have no one to continue their battle, such as it is. And so, after years of warnings to it, the entire GOP will indeed fall with the U. S. dollar. This will see the U.S. hit rock bottom… the ONLY place the nation can build from.

The collapse of the dollar will probably happen in our lifetime. What happens afterward may play out for decades afterward. But by the time the dust settles, should America somehow avoid other nations chopping it up, all the pressing social issues will be done with. After all, it will be a matter of survival. But America won’t have a World War to boost its economy. It will require the will to make it collectively.

That means rhetorical flame throwers sitting on their money, talking revolution and never actually fighting one, will finally be jettisoned. There will be no room nor need for them. The tribalism will be gone, too; you can’t argue and beg over money and sympathy that isn’t there to be had. If America’s going to make it, yes, it may be socially liberal, but it will have to be fiscally conservative.

That means folks can do what they do, but only on their own dime… if they have a dime. That means there won’t be time made for phony outrage over things one’s probably had people doing around them all along. And above all else, the things most people think matter will be revealed as the nothings they are. Germany and Japan had to start all over after World War II; inevitably, so will America.

Volume Three, Chapter Eight: The Multicultural Main Event

I’ve got a confession to make. There is a very specific reason why I do this blog. This blog, particularly since the post I did at the end of 2013, is a personal exercise. It is a constant personal challenge to myself to not get immersed in groupthink. One of the big problems with collective mentalities is that it usually focuses on a single or a few big things, while little things start adding up in the background.

And one of the worst instances involving groupthink has to be in politics, especially when it comes to minorities. When it comes to identity politics, the order of the day is “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. That is such a lie. A common enemy should and does not automatically make you bedfellows with somebody. And if it does, you’re only such until said enemy is either irrelevant or gone. And once they’re gone, that “friend” may replace them.

Consider the recent op-ed in Time by one Sierra Mannie, a “rising star college senior” at the University of Mississippi. Well, she’s blasting White homosexual men for stealing her sista riffs and mannerisms. According to Ms. Mannie, White gay men, having never went through the same difficulties of  Black women, have no right to appropriate Black female mannerisms for their own use.

Rarely, if ever, does an article pitting one perpetual victim group against another ever make it to see the light of day. Had it not been for Ms. Maddie’s jab at MS Tea Party Candidate Chris McDaniel, this probably wouldn’t have, either. After all, in the progressive movement, no one group is more important than another. Never mind that one group’s objectives often clash directly with another, like illegal immigration and Black unemployment.

The truth is, the LGBTetc. and Black communities have always had a tumultuous relationship. Their respective leaders have laid claim to the… prize of being America’s most persecuted and pity-owed group for years. They are not united based on mutual respect. In fact, the only thing keeping them from openly warring, for now, anyway, is their collective, obsessive hatred for conservatives, particularly the Tea Party.

With the current immigration chaos and increasing support (or apathy, take your pick) for LGBTetc. issues, America will inevitably be a progressive/Democratic one-party nation. And that’s when the facade of unity will no longer be necessary. When there’s no common enemy to focus on, the only target for identity groups is each other or themselves. The Sierra Mannie op-ed is only a foretaste of things to come.

And while the various ethnic groups drag everybody into their tribalism, America will finally have its bottom fall out… without a Republican to be found to unite against.