Category Archives: Lori Heine

Volume Two, Chapter Eleven: MORE Senstitivity Issues

I though this was it for Volume Two, but the hits just keep on coming.

Last posting, it was all about Cultural Senstitivity Week. It began a news cycle centered around virtually every little niche of society airing their grievances with everybody else. Well, the beat goes on. White Hispanic George Zimmerman’s trial for killing Black teen Trayvon Martin is still drawing huge attention for some reason. The immigration reform battles in Washington are now full scale. In addition, the celebrity and scholastic realms have had some culturally insenstitive riptides, too.

The biggest meltdown is easily the trials and tribulations of Southern-fried Obamaite Paula Deen. Another white female recently sued her for racial discrimination. Soon, the press began to unveil years of Deen using culturally insenstitive language, the most recent occurrence being two years ago (the target of that particular “RACISM!” never sued, but now he probably will). Her teary, mascara-smeared apologies have brought her under the tutelage of identity politician par excellence, Reverend Jesse Jackson. Between the massive endorsement boycotts and departure from the Food Network, and Jesse’s toxic touch, Ms. Deen is now the entree.

Volatile actor Alec Baldwin recently called an antagonist male reporter a “queen”, which is  “HOMOPHOBIA!”  Conservative groups, among whom several are also gay, are demanding Baldwin be fired as a spokesman for credit card company Capital One. Their main beef is not the homophobic remarks themselves, but rather the blatant double standard of leftists, who crucify conservatives for anti-gay language. Little do they realize that an apology, a little spare change, and a collective hatred of conservatism heals all LGBTetc.  activist wounds inflicted by their fellow leftists. And nobody’s forgot how much cash they just raised and spent unsuccessfully fighting same-sex marriage while snubbing gay conservative groups. Such people are often their staunchest supporters, despite the vile flack they get from other gay people.

The Democratic Party is built on its multitude of victim groups. Afrocentric Blacks were the preeminent victims from the New Deal until 2008, when the Black community helped pass California’s Proposition 8, banning same-sex marriages. Since then, the LGBTetc. crowd has taken their victim status. On his and Tavis Smiley’s radio broadcast, Afrocentric professor Dr. Cornel West lamented the status loss. Despite LGBTetc. thought police GLAAD’s best attempts  to defuse the situation, Dr. West is actually repeating a refrain commonly heard in Afrocentric circles; he was just wise enough to temper his words to avoid GLAAD’s wrath.

Multitudes of subcultures only gather to fight a common enemy or exalt a common social deity, then revert right back to tribalism. Fundamentalists routinely dominate the conservative GayPatriot come time to rail against Democrats, and stick around to condemn same-sex marriage (If homosexuality is so wrong, you’d think they’d avoid a site called GayPatriot.) Blatant racists comfortably appear at gatherings for Black conservatives like those for Project 21. And because they’re seeking favor with even the lowest common denominator in a political party, they (as well as the Democrat subcultures) have to sit back and take all kinds of sh*t. The highest price of multiculturalism/identity politics of this type will always be your own dignity. 

Contrary to popular belief, most people are not like the MSNBC, Centric, or conservative talk show crowds, who are ultimately whores guided by political or cultural tribalism. Ask the Republican Party. Many White males, their most loyal voting bloc, refused to vote Republican on the 2012 Election Day rather than be associated with fools like GayPatriot’s token religionist, JMan1961. Ask the Afrocentric crowd, who have seen fellow Black people like Tommy Sotomayor and James David Manning become popular by ridiculing Afrocentrism’s guttural culture. Ask the LGBTetc. activist crowd how a guy like Kevin Dujan can openly take on the dubious antics of the “Great Society for Tolerance”.  And ask the Democratic Party if their inculcation is universal. According  to current multicultural doctrine, the Black Derrick “TMOT” Grayson and lesbian Lori Heine are default Democrats and “atheists”.  Instead, both are Christian Libertarians who tend to call out any problem on both far sides of the social spectrum.

In the 2012 Presidential election, 140M people voted. The total United States is 310M. In other words, not even half of the American population allows the political and cultural happenings to dictate their lives. If you’ve already got your mind made up to live a certain way, politics, especially identity politics, have virtually no effect on you. Blind adherence to a “great cause” has led to the rise of many dictators. With such behavior taking place in America,  it’s those who don’t unilaterally adhere to a political or social agenda that are the only wall between true freedom and Balkanization… or worse, apartheid.

Alright, that’s about enough of the whole senstitivity issue. Seeing as though I’m a Black, gay, moderate, Libertarian Deist, I don’t have all damned year to sort out my official niche. And that’s fine, since I tend to reason things out better as simply Douglas Wayne Tipton, anyhow. Next posting will ABSOLUTELY be the Volume Two finale. It’ll involve several guys called… Vince. But in closing, I’d like to bring back a 2012 op-ed found in, ironically, the New York Times, from one of the most universally insenstitive people of all time….