Category Archives: “Pills Replacing Skills”

Volume Seven, Chapter Five: Nicholas Cruz and Tide Pods

My last post on this site was in September, at the height of the NFL/National Anthem furor. I had already seen through the whole thing, and was done with it. ALL of it.

The “national debates” are distractions from someone f*cking up. The anthem drama started because a struggling quarterback wanted a raise.

Fading beauties who used to trade on their looks but could no longer do so began screaming “ME TOO!” in hopes of one final attention and money grab.

And in the wake of a Florida high school shooting, parents are proudly sending their teens to Washington to protest gun violence and seek more gun laws.

But Adam Lanza and Nicholas Cruz, among many others, are NOT the products of lax laws or public policy.

Everybody slams millenials and young people for their shooting, eating Tide Pods, and all the other dumb sh!t they do.

Why do they insist on such things? Because they want attention. Why do they need this attention? Because they seldom get proper guidance and attention at home.

And why are they not getting attention at home? Ask the adults around them… assuming they’re not too busy with more “important” matters.

There are parents in America who know all about a President’s sex life, yet have no idea who’s been in their daughter’s room.

They can spend all day flagging videos on YouTube, while their son is joining some rogue outfit that’s not on mainstream outlets.

And many of the kids eating Tide Pods, especially the boys, started out on behavioral pills given to them by pill-addicted adults too “busy” for them.

In those cases, children only become a focal point when either they can allow their parents some glory, or interrupt their parents’ day.

The next time an elected official point blank says “it starts at home” will be either the first or last time for most people to hear such words.

To say that does not allow for flesh to glory, offends potential voters, and more importantly, puts the blame where it actually belongs.

All these people committing these atrocities starts out with a home life. A cursory look at their backgrounds will show the roots of their madness.

All the marches in the world won’t hide the fact that American parents, have failed, indeed neglected, their children.

Blaming politicians, laws, entertainment, and anything else for a teen’s actions is in fact a sweeping indictment on those who do it.

To seek an outside scapegoat alone signifies their own dereliction of duty.

Junkie and lazy parents pass on their bad habits, then run to politics to avoid facing their own indiscretions. Or so they believe.

Then adults have the nerve to feign shock and outrage when a young person acts just like them.

But Nicholas Cruz and the Tide Pod crew are as American as apple pie, merely spinoffs of the examples and license given to them.

Next time: Why a prominent White Nationalist is giving up his gimmick.

Volume Five, Chapter Two: The No Wonder Twins

abdulroof1On June 17, 2015, Dylan Storm Roof walked in a mostly Black church in Charleston, South Carolina, sat through a Bible study, and shot nine people, including a U.S. Senator.

On July 16, 2015, right here in Chattanooga, Tennessee, one Muhammad Youssef Abdulahzeez shot up two military recruitment centers, killing five soldiers. He was killed in a gunfight with responding police.

I’ve seen all the “experts and analysts” that cite things they don’t like as the causes of these monsters. It’s apparently the sight and love of the Confederate flag in Roof’s case, and Islamic martyrdom complex in Abdulahzeez’s case.

Nobody and nothing anywhere made them do anything. Either savage could have declined, but didn’t. Dylan Storm Roof and Muhammad Youssef Abdulahzeez became murderers because they wanted to.

If the Confederate flag drove Roof to murder, then how did I survive cabbing in places like Rossville, Georgia, whose state flag includes the Stars and Bars? If Islam drove Abdulazeez to murder, then some critic needs to tell all the people in the mosques that they’re behind schedule.

Those two killers were merely products of the era: emotionally challenged punks who refused to grow up, replacing their coping skills deficiency with drugs, determined to punish people for not affirming their fantasy world. White Nationalism and Islamic martyrdom eased their conscience just enough to act.

Thus, Dylan Storm Roof and Muhammad Youssef Abdulahzeez, encouraged by manipulative supporters who risk nothing, and justified in their own drug-addled minds- the only place that matters to such animals- have left their footprints in the sands of time, and blood on the ground.

If desire, weapons, a “depression” diagnosis, and self-justification are all one needs to throw a lethal hissy fit, it won’t be long before a murder’s significance, and the value of the life taken, will be determined primarily on the social stances and identity of the people involved.

Oh, wait…

Next up, it’s time to deal with the alleged motivation for Dylann’s rampage… and the “S” word.